We need a culture of intergenerational discipleship.


Religious “nones” are rising, and men are steadily becoming more detached from religion and church. Millions of men in their 20s and 30s are hungry for hope and guidance in life, marriage, family, and career.

Ten Thousand Spiritual Fathers mobilizes Christian men to disciple and guide the next generation.


Ten Thousand Spiritual Fathers (XSF) is a mentoring initiative to equip 10,000 men for man-to-man discipleship.
XSF encourages, educates, and empowers mature Christian men with a discipleship roadmap.

How Does It Work?

Attend an Orientation

Start by attending a local orientation to explore XSF and take the first steps to becoming a spiritual father.

Complete the Training

Begin the Guidebook training (with a small group if possible) to learn how to become a spiritual father.

Start Discipling

Choose a young man to begin the discipleship journey. XSF provides you with all the support and tools you need.

There are a variety of ways to begin the XSF journey. Click here for details.

Develop Spiritual Fathers at Your Church

XSF is perfectly designed to flourish in a church setting.

Revolutionize your men's ministry and give life to marriages, families, and your community.

Find an Orientation

You can attend an XSF orientation in-person

Register Now

Host an Orientation

You can host an XSF orientation for the men in your church or community.

Apply Now

Got questions or need help?

Click here to connect with our Spiritual Fathers team.